How to Advance Professionally

Even at an entry-level position, professionals in different industries are always looking for ways of advancing to higher positions mostly because of higher pay and in other cases, in search for a position you are not only passionate about but also one that allows one to fulfil their purpose in life. Some people also seek professional advancements because of titles. But, the source of motivation notwithstanding, there are things you could do to gain a competitive advantage over your peers or to become indispensable. Keep reading.


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What does it take to land your dream job?

If you want to reach high levels in your career, you must identify the things you should do to get there. From your current position, identify the main gaps in your road to the dream job and then analyze the skills, experiences, and training you need to achieve your life goals. This is also called career mapping, and it is the most important step to take on the career and professional development journey. The next step will be to make strategic career plans by factoring in your weaknesses, strengths, barriers, and opportunities.

Say Yes to opportunities and challenges

Do you feel like you do not belong or that you are not good enough every time your bosses ask you to complete a task? That feeling of uncertainty is also called the impostor syndrome, the biggest killer of dreams and ambitions. Even though that little voice will always make you doubt yourself and your abilities, you should learn to drown it.

And the only way to do that is by taking on those challenges, especially when you have little faith in yourself. Do you doubt the effectiveness of drowning the voices, especially when you have to do something you haven’t tried before? How about this? Think about that person you started working at the same time, the one who said yes to challenges you deemed ridiculous. Are they in the same position you are? No, right?

Asked, such individuals will attribute their success to the power of saying yes, despite all the negativity around them, as well as the choice they made not to listen to that little and annoying voice. Know that no one expects you to be perfect the first time and the best way to learn and to get ahead is by making mistakes and learning from them. So, accept those challenges. The best bit is that your superiors will recognize your efforts and enthusiasm and your aptitude will be applauded.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

The worst thing you could do in your professional development journey is to assume that you can do it all by yourself. No, you cannot, and there’s nothing wrong with asking someone for some guidance. So, let go of your pride and ask for help from that person who is better than you. Acknowledging that you need help makes you human, more relatable, and you don’t know other tricks you could learn by asking the right questions.

Say No to things that pull you down

While saying yes to tough and new challenges is a sign of confidence, saying no to things that pull you down is a sign of self-awareness and maturity. You will learn, as you grow older, that maturity and self-awareness are critical elements of self-development and professional advancement. So, if you are stretched, and your boss still expects you to deliver high-quality work by the end of the day, just say no or explain to them that you will only do the new task once you complete your high-priority task. The alternative is delegating, and at the end of the day, everyone is happy.

Use the resources at your disposal

If your workplace gives tuition reimbursements for courses taken externally, why would you let that opportunity slip? Learn about the resources provided by the company, as well as seminars and partnerships you could participate in then attend them. These events not only expand your networks but will also be the stepping stone to the next level of your career. You shouldn’t overlook those low-cost options like online resources and programs, books, and recorded seminars.

Build your soft/ people skills

Today, recruiters are looking for candidates who have great soft skills. While anyone can learn the technical elements of a job, most people have a hard time dealing with others. With decisions relying on your ability to consider the other people on the table, you should, therefore, work on your soft skills.

Here, we are referring to your public speaking skills, level of emotional intelligence, how tactful you are, whether you are diplomatic or not, and how well you deal with and react to the people around you. You may have to find a mentor to build these skills, but most importantly, you have to build relationships in and out of your work, while also taking up roles that will enhance your soft skills.

Promote yourself

The soft skill tact will help you promote yourself effortlessly but also in the appropriate manner while representing your authentic self. By being the real you, you will build richer relationships, boost your visibility, and you will land more interesting opportunities, as well as recognition. While doing all you need to to get noticed, you must be humble.

Stop playing by the rules

To be the best paid Canada regulatory consultant, you should stop playing by the rules. What this means is that you should define your path to success. You shouldn’t live by the expectations set by others – although defying the expectations of others is a tough thing to do, setting your path is tougher but a lot more satisfying and rewarding.

Update your profile

Update your resume every 6 months and add the new skills you have learned as well as the experiences you have. This means that you should update your LinkedIn profile. You should also harmonize your profiles – especially online.